Car Shipping

How To Ship A CarAlthough it may seem confusing at first, having your car transported is a fairly simple process. The first step to successfully shipping your vehicle is having a realistic timeline. Make sure to start the process at least two (2) weeks before you need your vehicle shipped, allowing adequate time to find an auto carrier.

Next, decide which transportation service fits your particular needs. If getting the lowest price is your only consideration, having someone drive your vehicle can be a cost-effective alternative. If this is not appropriate for your situation, you will need to decide between an open car carrier, as shown on this page, or an enclosed trailer. The latter option is normally reserved for high-end, custom or collectable vehicles.

Once you have an idea of how you would like your car transported, you will need to choose a carrier. Be sure to carefully investigate the car transporter you choose. Double check your insurance coverage, both the protection provided by the carrier as well as your own insurance. Before releasing your car, you will need to prepare it for transport. A few simple steps will ensure that your vehicle is ready for its journey.

Finally, knowing what to expect from your carrier on the day of you shipment will make the whole process easier on everyone. At both the pickup and delivery of your car, help your driver by being on time and prepared.

Office Location:
406 E 300 S, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Office 244-7447 or Toll Free 888-456-7447
Fax 801-880-0766